The increasing problem of homelessness is a concern for residents of Moseley and demands a radical solution. A recent meeting of the plethora of forums and societies that make up Moseley Village seem to have finally found a solution.
The solution, uncovered by Eye on Moseley, was hidden in an obscure item on the agenda of the last Moseley Forum meeting. The section cryptically labelled “Project A” proposes that anyone that “doesn’t look right” be rounded up with wild dogs and cut down with scythes.
Amazingly the motion was passed and tenders for adequate disposal sites were invited. The sinister “House of Death” on Alcester Road easily outbid competition from O’Neils and Little Italy and wasawarded the contract. The dying screams of recent visitors is said to irritate local residents but the heat from the pyres has provided a cheap source of heating for St David’s Primary School.