The legal action that has paralysed Eye on Moseley for the last three months has finally come to an end. In February Eye on Moseley received an injunction granted in the High Court to prevent any further issues from being posted. The injunction granted to a Mr Alan “Fluff” Freeman stated that Eye on Moseley had slandered Mr Freeman by accusing him of having sex with girls under the age of sixteen.
This slanderous accusation was contained within the often-controversial “Loving Bears” column. The bears famed in media circles for their simplistic wit and poor quality photography denied the accusation and a bitter legal battle ensued.
Submissions from Mr Freeman appeared to indicate that the allegations were indeed false and it was left to “White Bear” to protect the journalistic integrity of Eye on Moseley. On entering the witness box it became immediately obvious that the usually innocuous bear was somewhat the worse for drink. In a tirade that lasted for nearly two hours and often deteriorated into song he claimed, “Don’t give that fucker anything, he’s a fucker and he plays shite music, what’s that over there? Did I tell you he’s a fucker? He is you know.” This less than helpful evidence resulted in Eye on Moseley quickly agreeing to settle out of court.
Thus Eye on Moseley unreservedly accepts that all sexual relations that Mr Freeman has had with young girls occurred after they reached the age of sixteen and not a day before. We’re sorry, for everything.