As Moseley once again becomes a bizarre mixture of TV stars and criminals a person of class and distinction is called for to lead us into the new year. That’s why Eye on Moseley is once again proud to announce the results of the “Most Powerful Person In Moseley” awards.
Our select panel of judges has chosen ten local personalities that have shown particular social probity and general concern for their fellow men over the course of the last few months. Regular readers will remember that the last award was presented to no less a local personality than Nikki Burton who runs Victoria Wines. We are saddened to say Nikki did not win this time but in this season of goodwill it’s time to look to the future rather than banging on about the past (old people take note).
The power top ten in this period are:-
Bryan Knott
Elaine “Pat” Kavanagh
Martin Mullaney
Mr Nima
Mr Sai
Mr Select And Save
Nikki “Victoria” Wines
Pete The Feet
As you can see there are some surprise additions this time round. Local knife man Martin Mullaney has made the rise from the Vauxhall Conference to the Premiership of power. His sterling works for the community have not gone unnnoticed. Mr Select And Save was an essential addition after the almost biblical extension to his previously crap shop.
But let us not forget that for all those who get promoted there are those who get relegated. This time we have seen the loss of Jan “Fighting” Cocks and The Bloke Who Runs Momas and Little Italy. Hopefully with a concerted effort they can both come back next time.
This is probably a good time to point out that as ever we are open to bribes. But how do we choose who is the most powerful person in Moseley? Our panel scored each of the individuals in four areas:-
Acts of Human Kindness
How Contemporary Are They
Willie was of course the clear winner this month. After a period where we didn’t see him at all he managed to prove the old adage absence does indeed make the heart grow fonder. To commemorate this glorious victory we presented Willie with the customary bottle of cider.
A few words must be said about our other contestants. Joint second place is held by Elaine, Nikki and Mr Select And Save proving that if you sell alcohol to Eye on Moseley you generally do well in this Mickey Mouse competition.
Bioux and Bryan Knott once again are at the bottom but don’t forget these are the most powerful people in our area and as such we owe them everything. If you want to contribute to the next “Power Top 10” I’m afraid you can’t we only do it to get bribes from people.