Local arsonists were up in arms when the local Texaco once again ran out of fuel due to recent petrol blockades. Twice in the space of a week Texaco had to close it’s doors after completely emptying it’s tanks. Many arsonists had to carry their plastic bottles as far as Billesley Lane where there was a previously untapped supply of lead replacement. One told us “It’s not the walking I mind it’s the fact I have to use this LRP crap. Don’t get me wrong when you’re torching somewhere it works as well as Unleaded but it’s the environment you have to think about. We only have one earth you know.” He added “It’s a good job this wasn’t a couple of weeks ago. I had that Chantry Road Tennis Club job on. How embarrassing would that have been?”
Fortunately supplies have now been reinstated and fire raising services have returned to normal.