The sound of wood on leather is a common sound around the leafy suburbs of Moseley during midsummer. Unusually last month it wasn’t the typical sound of the Moseley cricket club but the dawn chorus of the local police kicking peoples doors in. The Police launched their largest ever operation in Moseley and Balsall Heath to remove the scourge of drugs from our streets.
A local representative of the police told us yesterday “It was excellent, we met at the station really early and had a bit of breakfast then all got into one of those large vans and started kicking peoples doors down. It makes me realise why I got into this job in the first place.”
As a result of the operation 16 people were arrested and a large quantity of money and drugs were seized. It has also had an important knock on effect for the local economy. A Moseley carpenter told us “I’ve never been so busy, it’s great. I like working for drug dealers they’re really easy going.”
Ironically a number of local drug dealers reported that they were quite pleased with the nights work themselves. “You don’t know how difficult it’s been lately. All this cheap heroin coming in from the Baltic states has cut my profit down like you wouldn’t believe.” He added “At least half my competition has gone so I can put the price right back up again. And with all the dealers gone there are some really desperate people out there, they’ll steal you anything you want.”