It appears that chuffed with his recent success in abolishing punctuation, Cllr Martin Mullaney ™ is now seeking to remove the word sorry from the English language. The normally publicity shy representative has been presented an opportunity by the High Court to apologise to one of his constituents that he had treated in a “high handed and one sided manner”.
Councillor Martin Mullaney ™ has sought to avoid the apology by claiming that the linguistic basis of the word sorry has no historical precedent. He told someone who then told us, “I’ve looked through my dictionary and I can’t see this word their talking about it’s just fantasy.”
On being challenged that he appeared to have torn the entire “s” section from the dictionary he launched into a robust defence, sometimes yelling, “You people should thank me, that man was trying to inject economic benefit into Moseley whilst clearly being a member of the Labour party. I remember when this place used to stand for something. It was despicable the way he was trying to restore a previously neglected building, do you know sometimes my mate Keith couldn’t park his car because there were builders in the way? It makes me sick.”
Representatives of the Plain English Campaign asked us, “What’s he playing at? If he carries on like this there’ll be no words left and we’ll all be speaking fucking semaphore”.
He’ll be forcing us all to to begin every sentence with “personally” next.
How does he manage to put his shirt on after his jacket?