Rumours abound about the Eye On Moseley team as a major wood pulp based news publication bears false witness. Such reports would seem to be very wide of the mark.
Imagine our surprise as we drove passed Mr. Sai’s to see filthy allegations that the filth had busted what we like to think of as “the news”. Several frantic phone calls later and an expensive meeting with lawyers allowed us to realise that whilst some “Moseley Internet Perverts” had indeed been “sent to jail”, it wasn’t this particular set of “Moseley Internet Perverts”.
Quite who these “Moseley Internet Perverts” are, remains something of a mystery, but not being territorial souls, we can quite safely say, we are fully supportive of the police in their efforts to rid Moseley of people who are trying to topple us from our perch as major perverters of the internet. We are currently seeking legal advice on whether we can sue the arse off these sickos for trying to steal our thunder.