marks-and-spencerThe news that Marks & Spencer are submitting a planning application to re-develop the Meteor Ford site has once again galvanised the people of Moseley to action. The future use of the site has been the single biggest issue to affect Moseley in almost a decade. Sometimes splitting families apart with some people believing it should be turned into a lovely park, others thinking it should be a massive community centre, nobody but us thinking it should be Tescos.


Since the news of Marks & Spencer’s plan came to light a petition has been created that as already gained over 5000 signatures. The petition, to be handed to planners, simply reads “Yes, that’s fine.”


This position is clearly inconsistent with the previous view of protesters that it was not the application by Tesco that was a problem but the whole idea of retail use. We asked the protesters to explain this change of heart, they told us “Yes, it’s true that it isn’t Waitrose but  on the whole we feel M&S is just middle class enough. You might call me a hypocrite for supporting this but at the end of the day I’ll be a hypocrite eating a big Marks & Spencer pie and I won’t be known as the sort of person that shops in Tesco.”


We challenged them explain how the previously claimed congestion issue will change just because the retail premises is managed by someone else, their response was succinct “Congestion? Oh god we did say that didn’t we? LOL”



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