The notorious Labour MP Dr Lynne Jones recently baffled Moseley shoppers with her hard-line anti-war stance. The outspoken MP has courted controversy in Westminster by being one of only eleven Labour MP’s to vote against Prime Minister Blair’s carpet bombing of Afghanistan.
Her attitude may have upset her London peers, but it struck a resonance with the crowds at the last farmers market, where she was seen to treat the crowds to a stirring rendition of Edwin Starr’s classic, “War (What is it good for?)”. Shoppers stood transfixed as she belted out her very own curious brand of soul. One local shopper, who wants to remain nameless so as not to incur the wrath of the local Labour party, told us, “She’s got a fair pair of lungs on her hasn’t she? For a socialist, I mean.” Indeed.
Not to be outdone by their big city rival, local Labour councillors Andy Howell and Bryan Knott then wowed Moseley with a somewhat patchy duet of the Frankie Goes To Hollywood standard, “Relax”.
The concept of promoting popular support through song has not been lost on the other political parties. Annual Moseley visitor, Ken Hardman, is thought to be in the middle of rehearsals for his very own production of “Cabaret” in which it is believed he will once again reprise his impression of Liza Minelli. Erstwhile Liberal, Martin Mullaney, is following a different tack and his EP of Christmas Covers will be available in Jibbering records by mid-November.
Whilst Eye on Moseley is surprised by Dr Jones methods, we actively encourage her to wind up the national Labour party at every opportunity.