by admin | May 10, 2016 | Story
Moseley’s Spring Offensive began last night with historic gains on all fronts being reported. Whilst much of South Birmingham spent the weekend arsing about with barbecues, meticulous preparations from Moseley Militias meant that many of our neighbours were...
by admin | Feb 10, 2016 | Story
They said it couldn’t be done but Moseley has at last dealt a fatal blow to global capitalism. With Lloyd’s Bank’s announcement that it will be closing its doors for a final time in June we see the historic moment that we’ve rid our village of...
by admin | Dec 16, 2015 | Story
As the Boundary Commission revealed its exciting plans to redraw Birmingham many thought this was the result of bureaucratic incompetence. We can now know that the decision to remove Moseley from Moseley was actually a decision taken at the highest level of...
by admin | Nov 19, 2015 | Story
So that’s it then, The Prince of Wales has gone. Shut down by evil property developers whose only concern is the selfish pursuit of profit at the expense of a vibrant community. But wait, what if there was a man that could save us? What if there was a man that...
by admin | Oct 22, 2015 | Story
It is with some jubilation that we can now report that Cambridge Road have been successful in their bid to raise money for authentic heritage street lighting. Earlier this year residents of Cambridge Road were thrown into collective panic when they were informed by...
by admin | Sep 16, 2015 | Story
As Carters is finally awarded its first Michelin Star Moseley residents have risen as one to celebrate the moment that we’re finally as good as Harborne. The people of Harborne have long lauded it over us with their so called fine dining but all that’s...